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IT & communication solutions from the shipping industry for the shipping industry

ITE maritime' is a concept adapted to the special requirements of the maritime industry, in which our IT services can be combined with modern ship communication to form a fully integrated solution. This enables a high degree of reliability, a secure and stable flow of information between land and sea as well as the creation of a reliable budget for IT and communications.our many years of practical experience in the shipping business and the associated requirements for land-based and ship-based IT and its communication form the strong basis on which our industry solutions are built.


Full IT Services - everything from a single source

The optimization of business processes and the flexibility of the IT landscape have top priority for today's shipping. IT process automation and integration help you to significantly improve your added value with the help of IT. The solution is IT architectures that ensure uniform end-to-end management, monitoring and logging across the entire application landscape.

There are further requirements for data protection, system integration and cost management.

The ITE offers you complete IT & V-SAT solutions including a worldwide IT services & support network for your fleet.

Our solutions include the complete IT hardware and software, V-SAT and IOP, including air time service, worldwide commissioning of the systems and further support for the IT and SAT COM infrastructure installed on board. ITE is a service partner for KVH ( and MediaMobil ( and certified for the worldwide installation of V-SAT and IOP systems on seagoing vessels.

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An active cybersecurity strategy can hardly be realized with traditional means.

In addition to prevention, special risks from targeted attacks and effective processes for the detection and treatment of attacks must be taken into account. We analyze, identify, advise and implement holistic security systems to protect against possible external and internal attacks.

We support you in implementing a high level of security. Attacks via IT networks hold considerable damage potential. This includes the protection of sensitive data as well as the increasing interaction of networked IT with the real world. We always keep an eye on our customers' risk exposure, immerse ourselves in special technologies to secure complex applications, servers and clients, embedded systems, network components and security solutions on your seagoing vessels.



Homogeneity and central administration of web / mail, crew internet and cyber security. The "ITE Box" is the "ready to use" solution that is used independently of any airtime provider and can thus ensure central control of the cyber security of your entire fleet. All conceivable connections, e.g. can be connected via 3G, 4G, FBB, IOP or VSAT. The "ITE Box" can be installed or retrofitted at any time on board your fleet and meets all cyber security requirements of the classification regulations ashore and at sea.

Network Hub and Cable


Compared to conventional IT support such as reactive maintenance, preventive services offer several advantages. Based on the knowledge of the current state of IT, unplanned downtimes can be largely avoided. Maintenance and service intervals as well as lifecycle management are planned much better. In addition, by analyzing the data collected, it is possible to significantly increase the reliability of your IT with the aim of achieving higher IT productivity ,ashore and at sea.

Preventive service reduces or eliminates unplanned downtime by identifying and correcting problems early before they lead to a complete malfunction or failure. The planned maintenance maximizes the lifespan of the onboard & onshore IT infrastructure and lowers costs in the long term. Lifecycle management with preventive maintenance protects your investments and ensures that the systems can be operated with minimal IT support effort (OPEX) for as long as possible without failures. IT Monitoring - While in the past only performance parameters were recorded, today's monitoring covers almost all areas of IT, including security, availability and user behavior, as well as resource optimization.

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